Sunday, April 12, 2015

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a nice week either away or home! We made a trip out to Rochester to see my family. This week certainly began with some beautiful weather, let's hope it continues!

Thank you for making our Wax Museum such a success! I was extremely proud of each student's hard work and dedication to the unit. They certainly learned a lot and did a fabulous job! I have many photographs to share with you in a blog post later this week.

This Tuesday, we begin our NYS ELA exam. We will begin first thing in the morning. Please be sure your child has had a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast, and is in school on time. This way we can begin as soon as everyone is present. The exam will be 70 minutes long for 3 consecutive mornings, with an additional 10 minutes or so to go over directions, procedures, etc. After the exam concludes, we will have some down time, either playing games or watching a movie and having our snack. If the weather is nice, we will spend some time outside, but it would most likely be in the afternoon after all exams and lunches have concluded.

Even though we have an exam this week, we still have a lot of learning to do!!! We will continue our geometry study and work on multi-step word problems. We will also look at the structure of the NYS Math test we will be taking next week.

We will continue learning about ancient Egypt. This week our focus will be on the Egyptian religion and we will understand the different gods and goddesses they believed in.

We will begin looking at the genre of realistic fiction in reading. In our guided reading groups we will focus on higher level thinking skills, understanding implied meanings and increasing our vocabulary.

Your child will be bringing home a review spelling list for this week. They will have up to 20 words for their list this week. We will take our spelling test on Friday this week, since we have our ELA exam Thursday.