Thursday, August 29, 2013

Welcome Back

I hope you have had a wonderful summer. It has been a great summer for my family. I had an opportunity to spend time with my two sons, Cole (4 years old) and Grant (2 years old). We had some fantastic adventures. We went on our first camping trip!

I have been working hard in our classroom and I am very excited about the start of the school year. If you haven't already seen the supply list you can find it on the Elsmere webpage. Also, if you scroll down (below the supply list) you will find a short questionnaire. Please feel free to email your response or send it in with your son/daughter.

We will be sharing our summer fun as a get to know you activity. Please send in a photo of your son/daughter doing something he/she enjoyed this summer. We will share them, write about them and hang them up in the hallway.

I hope that you are able to come in and meet me next week on Wednesday from 3-4 pm!!!